Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 09

Well time definitely flies when you are having fun, or when you are unwell. The Last month or so has been a mixture of both. With the Swine flu and other flues spreading around NZ many people have come down with sickness that has taken them out. I thought that I would be fine, but unfortunately this was not the case. I ended up missing out on an Aglow Retreat as I was unwell, and had to return to my parents place to get better. I was in bed for 10 days. I had been feeling like it was time to have a little break, so getting the flu was a forced rest. I enjoyed having time to listen to new songs - check out kari jobe if you dont already know her, and also  Jesus Culture.

This last week I was so blessed to be a part of  'Godspace'- which was a Kids Conference- wow it was absolutely awesome. To see kids encountering God, being strengthened in their faith, and given opportunity to develop their spiritual gifts, and be inspired/encouraged and equipped to follow Christ was truly the best thing ever. I had the opportunity to share some "Girls stuff"- it was a very precious time, and we could have gone on for hours. 
Its funny how you can go to something to serve and give, but you end up receiving- I personally felt hugely inspired and  encouraged and challenged to being stepping out more, to be more bold in my prayer life, and to continue to TRUST God. I feel like I have so many uncertainties in my life, and I just want them fixed and sorted out. I was blown away by the prayer I received and it showed me once again how well God does know us. .. the words "do not worry, let go, stop trying to figure it out, flow with the Holy Spirit" - thats where I have to get back to.

I was ready to leave Wellington on Tuesday. One of the friends I stayed with got rushed to hospital on Tuesday morning, so I ended up heading to the hospital to support them - it actually ended up being a phenominal day of opportunities to share the gospel, and testify to Gods miraculous power... YES GOD IS AMAZING, he does work all things together for good, and he does make messy and hard situations beautiful in His time.

This weekend we are having a day to train our Shine girl facilitators. I am believing that this
will be a really significant and equipping day. I  feel right now that the needs of young woman in our nation are being highlighted as important. Its encouraging to see many people putting there hand up to say "I want to help make a difference in this generation". 

Another challenge that Ive had lately is to be studying the word of God. Again while I was sick someone asked me a question about  Abigail.. well to be honest i didnt know anything much about her- so my task currently is to study her life and how it relates to young woman today.
I have not finished that, and writing this reminds me that its something I will do this afternoon.

I pray that you are well, that you are knowing the Hope of Christ, being comforted by the Holy Spirit, and being strengthened in Gods word as you seek to see the next generation walk in their purpose - as Sons and Daughters of Father God.

blessings.. keep smiling and shinning your light.

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